Some thoughts, mainly random rantings. I was 23 when I started this blog, and as time goes on some thoughts will remain the same, some views may change when I am no longer the observer but actually the performer, in this play that is life. These thoughts simply reflect a bit of the chaos that plays through my mind every day as I take a moment to observe the little details that I encounter along my path.
Friday, March 31, 2006
The critter in my shoe
It poisoned me! In a delayed hypersensitivity response I started to suffer with swollen legs and an intense pain in the spine, tiredness, my skin was hurting and I was overheating! Man that critter got me good!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
A surprise in my shoe!!!!!
This morning I am rushing for school so I ask mummy to grab my shoes, I usually keep them outside because I am too lazy to carry them inside, I didn't put on my socks as yet and I slipped my foot into my shoe and something moved against my big toe!
I screamed and threw the shoe then looked inside and a lizard was looking at me!
Wore very uncomfortable shoes to school today because of that and I keep on feeling this weird sensation on my toe :S
I screamed and threw the shoe then looked inside and a lizard was looking at me!
Wore very uncomfortable shoes to school today because of that and I keep on feeling this weird sensation on my toe :S
Monday, March 27, 2006
Bird flu: A sign of the end times?
Saw this in my e-mail:
"The Bird Flu or deadly H5N1 virus has grabbed the headlines again. In the past few weeks the dreaded disease has infected poultry virtually all over the world-and now it's infecting humans! Could this global pestilence be a sign of the End Times? " Left Behind Prophecy
I hate propaganda like this that just tries to freak out a population.
If one would read a tiny little bit, of course not! Google immune system people and read a bit.
Sure let the government stop molecular research which could provide a vaccine and lets obey the laws of one particular sect right...Famous quote: God helps those who help themselves, so what should we do? Cower and hope that bird flu disappears or try to understand learn more about it so that we can defeat it.
In the world of viruses and bacteria they are a pretty competitive bunch, probably the immunization for it would come from being afflicted with a less virulent critter.
there is always going to be a part of the population that will not be affected. So in the mean time stop freaking out about doomsday and try to learn more about this disease.
jeezums think! Did the plague wipe us out?
The little secret to our survival lies in our ability to mutate just like these strange viruses.
for the sect that is banning evolution theory, you might want to look this over before you bash it and demand that it not be taught.
"The Bird Flu or deadly H5N1 virus has grabbed the headlines again. In the past few weeks the dreaded disease has infected poultry virtually all over the world-and now it's infecting humans! Could this global pestilence be a sign of the End Times? " Left Behind Prophecy
I hate propaganda like this that just tries to freak out a population.
If one would read a tiny little bit, of course not! Google immune system people and read a bit.
Sure let the government stop molecular research which could provide a vaccine and lets obey the laws of one particular sect right...Famous quote: God helps those who help themselves, so what should we do? Cower and hope that bird flu disappears or try to understand learn more about it so that we can defeat it.
In the world of viruses and bacteria they are a pretty competitive bunch, probably the immunization for it would come from being afflicted with a less virulent critter.
there is always going to be a part of the population that will not be affected. So in the mean time stop freaking out about doomsday and try to learn more about this disease.
jeezums think! Did the plague wipe us out?
The little secret to our survival lies in our ability to mutate just like these strange viruses.
for the sect that is banning evolution theory, you might want to look this over before you bash it and demand that it not be taught.
"When one sees the same person everyday..they wind up becoming part of that person's life and then they want the person to change. If someone isn't what others want them to be then others become angry.
everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives but none about his or her own."---Paulo Coelho The Alchemist
This one little paragraph struck me quite suddenly and then I thought about cultures and society and how much I despise it, not actually despising it for what it is but the way in which it tries to force the mind to think a certain way and act a certain way.
I wish to be able to see the world through the un-tainted eyes of a newborn.
everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives but none about his or her own."---Paulo Coelho The Alchemist
This one little paragraph struck me quite suddenly and then I thought about cultures and society and how much I despise it, not actually despising it for what it is but the way in which it tries to force the mind to think a certain way and act a certain way.
I wish to be able to see the world through the un-tainted eyes of a newborn.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
2006 Oscar award Best Movie Score
After listening to certain pieces from each movie that was nominated I truly believe that Memoirs of a Geisha ( Sayuris Theme) should have gotten the award. The music was phenomenal, and the pieces were refreshing with their originality. There was a faint asian melody flowing perfectely on a western note, rising above at certain instances to surprise the listener then peeking back into the blanket of the western strings. Listen to the piece and you will see what I mean (not sayuris theme though, but close)
Perfect Match
What is for you is for you.
you will know your perfect match when you find them because you will be with them:D
yesterday I was telling my mom that how I will stay single forever since I cannot seem to find anyone who understands me, her answer was simple yet made the world of sense.
simply well make yourself be understood then. You have identified the problem now fix it.
at first I was a little annoyed at this answer because I thought that it meant changing who I am, until mummy explained that it just meant trying to explain where I am not understood not just expecting the world to know.
Mother really do know best, don't they.
An excerpt from the song " The Origin Of Love" written by Stephen Trask
"...Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story ofThe origin of love.
That's the origin of love."
you will know your perfect match when you find them because you will be with them:D
yesterday I was telling my mom that how I will stay single forever since I cannot seem to find anyone who understands me, her answer was simple yet made the world of sense.
simply well make yourself be understood then. You have identified the problem now fix it.
at first I was a little annoyed at this answer because I thought that it meant changing who I am, until mummy explained that it just meant trying to explain where I am not understood not just expecting the world to know.
Mother really do know best, don't they.
An excerpt from the song " The Origin Of Love" written by Stephen Trask
"...Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story ofThe origin of love.
That's the origin of love."
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I just saw this in my 'daily jewish wisdom' quote of the day, 'Getting angry is like worshipping idols.'- Midrash LeOlam
See I got this quote from that because I suscribed to 'daily jewish wisdom', I am Hindu and I suscribe to this, at least I have the tolerance in learning about others faiths and not bashing them. I wonder if the author of this quote realises that intolerance just may be a greater sin than idol worship.
when did Hindus prosecute the Jews? I think that was ridiculous, it happened because there was a complete intolerant moron in power, so why should they bash my faith?
here is a quote that one of my friends sent me:
Masjid dha de, mandir dha de, dha de jo kucch dainda Par kisi da dil na dhain, Rab dilan vich rehnda..
Tear down the mosque and the temple; break everything in sight But do not break a person’s heart, it is there that God resides -Bulleh Shah
breaking religious barrier with friendship, myself and a group of arabic friends are discussing God, two of them insist that infidels will have to suffer the wrath of hell, the third my very close fried (muslim) disagrees. She comments that she has seen me praying and will tell anyone that we pray to the same God, also that in knowing me she cannot understand why anyone would ever believe that I would go to hell. We have had ups and downs this friend and I but no matter what I see her as my sister, destroying all barriers of religion, race and culture!
Might surprise all of you who think that Hindus are pagans but this is where we actually do believe that God resides, even if you are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christain, Atheist, Black, White Blue, Yellow, etc...
Wouldn't it be great if we can accept each other for the person they are instead of forcing our veiws and beliefs of what is right and what is wrong on them. Bash idol worship sure, did they even take the time to learn a little bit of Hinduism and to even know why do we keep idols? Isn't worshipping the Torah, Bible or Quran a form of worship or can I just burn one without any arguments ?
Look at oneself first before making judgements.
If they are the chosen disciples of God then how come I still exist and we are still made up of the same basic 4 base pairs in our DNA, or do they have an extra base I don't know of ? How come neither of us can fly?
Fire wouldn't discrimiate between an idol worshipper or a non idol worshipper, ever thought about that? Nor does the sun.
many often say that Hindus worship many Gods...please read the following verses carefully!
Though I am eternal, imperishable and the Lord of all beings; yet I (voluntarily) manifest by controlling my own material nature using my Yoga Maya.
Whenever there is a decline of dharma and the rise of adharma, o Arjuna, then I manifest (or incarnate ) myself. I incarnate from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the wicked and for establishing Dharma, the world order.
Bhagavad Gita (4.06-08)
See I got this quote from that because I suscribed to 'daily jewish wisdom', I am Hindu and I suscribe to this, at least I have the tolerance in learning about others faiths and not bashing them. I wonder if the author of this quote realises that intolerance just may be a greater sin than idol worship.
when did Hindus prosecute the Jews? I think that was ridiculous, it happened because there was a complete intolerant moron in power, so why should they bash my faith?
here is a quote that one of my friends sent me:
Masjid dha de, mandir dha de, dha de jo kucch dainda Par kisi da dil na dhain, Rab dilan vich rehnda..
Tear down the mosque and the temple; break everything in sight But do not break a person’s heart, it is there that God resides -Bulleh Shah
breaking religious barrier with friendship, myself and a group of arabic friends are discussing God, two of them insist that infidels will have to suffer the wrath of hell, the third my very close fried (muslim) disagrees. She comments that she has seen me praying and will tell anyone that we pray to the same God, also that in knowing me she cannot understand why anyone would ever believe that I would go to hell. We have had ups and downs this friend and I but no matter what I see her as my sister, destroying all barriers of religion, race and culture!
Might surprise all of you who think that Hindus are pagans but this is where we actually do believe that God resides, even if you are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christain, Atheist, Black, White Blue, Yellow, etc...
Wouldn't it be great if we can accept each other for the person they are instead of forcing our veiws and beliefs of what is right and what is wrong on them. Bash idol worship sure, did they even take the time to learn a little bit of Hinduism and to even know why do we keep idols? Isn't worshipping the Torah, Bible or Quran a form of worship or can I just burn one without any arguments ?
Look at oneself first before making judgements.
If they are the chosen disciples of God then how come I still exist and we are still made up of the same basic 4 base pairs in our DNA, or do they have an extra base I don't know of ? How come neither of us can fly?
Fire wouldn't discrimiate between an idol worshipper or a non idol worshipper, ever thought about that? Nor does the sun.
many often say that Hindus worship many Gods...please read the following verses carefully!
Though I am eternal, imperishable and the Lord of all beings; yet I (voluntarily) manifest by controlling my own material nature using my Yoga Maya.
Whenever there is a decline of dharma and the rise of adharma, o Arjuna, then I manifest (or incarnate ) myself. I incarnate from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the wicked and for establishing Dharma, the world order.
Bhagavad Gita (4.06-08)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
V for vendetta

As the name implies a Vendetta is a blood fued, however there are several other subtle and some not so subtle implications concerning current Government in the plot.
my comment:
V seeks his revenge and he uses the strategy of Guy Faukes in the movie (you'll see this in the very beginning his mask represents Faukes so c'mon its not a spoiler) but the role of Evey (Natalie Portman) is crucial in understanding the 'cross plot'. This is really an awesome movie, a bit long but the plot keeps you chained to your seat and the action while gruesome is exciting and the music is fantastic.
I have so much to say but I don't wanna spoil it for others so I'll continue this when I re-watch it on DVD release.
Friday, March 17, 2006
putting my foot in my mouth!
Today in Biotech class we crushed fruit flies in order to obatin their DNA, now after the intial crushing I had made my group into an assemly line where they would bring their tubes with crushed flies and I would then add lysis buffer. So after adding buffer for everyone, I was waiting on this kid John so getting impatient , standing with lysis buffer still waiting , I blurted out
'Open up your Fly, I am ready for you!'
John was caught off guard, class ruptured into laughter and yep I was red!
'Open up your Fly, I am ready for you!'
John was caught off guard, class ruptured into laughter and yep I was red!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Stupidity H. N. L. part III
man never ceases to amaze , in their cunning, laziness and ability to blame everyone else but themselves.
Article Details
Article Date 03/16/2006
United Press Int'l Health NewsLawsuit says cartoon emblem burned boy
HARMONY, Pa., March 15 (UPI) -- A Pennsylvania man is suing Wal-Mart for selling a SpongeBob SquarePants shirt that allegedly caught fire and burned his son.
Mark Dershem of Harmony, Pa., said he is also suing the MTV-Nickelodeon, home of the popular cartoon.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports Dershem's 9-year-old son was stoking the embers in a fire at his grandmother's house when the SpongeBob logo on the shirt suddenly ignited.
It allegedly burned his face, arm and legs.
Copyright 2006 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.
Why would he show the entire world that he is a negligent parent, who lets a 9 year old play with fire??? Maybe he should sue himself for stupidity first.
Article Details
Article Date 03/16/2006
United Press Int'l Health NewsLawsuit says cartoon emblem burned boy
HARMONY, Pa., March 15 (UPI) -- A Pennsylvania man is suing Wal-Mart for selling a SpongeBob SquarePants shirt that allegedly caught fire and burned his son.
Mark Dershem of Harmony, Pa., said he is also suing the MTV-Nickelodeon, home of the popular cartoon.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports Dershem's 9-year-old son was stoking the embers in a fire at his grandmother's house when the SpongeBob logo on the shirt suddenly ignited.
It allegedly burned his face, arm and legs.
Copyright 2006 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.
Why would he show the entire world that he is a negligent parent, who lets a 9 year old play with fire??? Maybe he should sue himself for stupidity first.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
phagwah , pi day and the ides of march and DNA

In keeping up my super dorkiness I shall wish you all:
HAPPY Pi DAY 22/7 = 3.14...
Guess you don't gotta worry too much about that one unless you're Julius Ceasar
and H A P P Y H O L I ! ! !
to all the Trinis : 'Happy Phagwah'...
a time to welcome the new year, enjoy the harvest and celebrate spring and just have fun, where vocally challenged like myself get to scream chowtals at the top of our lungs and no one complains!
why the new font, all biotech stuff are in courier , almost every single DNA sequence so I figured oh well I'll get used to it, no more Times Roman for me,
on that note check this out: now we can even play with the molecule of life
turns out DNA is much more than just the genetic code:D
Monday, March 06, 2006
one night of peace
woke up this morning and was struck with a thought...
I wondered about all the little children all over the world who could not enjoy a peaceful nights sleep without having to fear that they will be ambushed during the night, had to worry about waking up to work in a field or as a child prostitue, taken to a training camp to learn real warfare , having their childhood stolen from them, to wake up without knowing that there is a meal waiting for them.
I thought about the 8h that I slept peacefully and I wondered how many children are denied even that simple luxary simply because of man's intolerance.
I wondered about all the little children all over the world who could not enjoy a peaceful nights sleep without having to fear that they will be ambushed during the night, had to worry about waking up to work in a field or as a child prostitue, taken to a training camp to learn real warfare , having their childhood stolen from them, to wake up without knowing that there is a meal waiting for them.
I thought about the 8h that I slept peacefully and I wondered how many children are denied even that simple luxary simply because of man's intolerance.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
DIAL UP??????
So I've been having some problems with the computers, desktop died and once again I did not save any of the files on it.
Even worse the dsl is down so we have dial up now.
dial up???? come again. wtf!!!
using dial up now is like opting for a casette instead of a CD,
using a VCR instead of a DVD player,
a typewriter instead of a get the drift...
Yeah I'm going bezerk, just tried to upload a file that would've taken 2 minutes max now the estimated time is 2 h .....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Worse yet, people especially those horrible, stupid TELEMARKETERS keep on calling and kicking me offline...and the computer keeps on losing the connection, it is taking a grand effort to not rip my hair off my head.
okay so going retro now, two girls decided that they will act as if the're in high school instead of a senior level class and broke into an argument over 'don't talk about me' blah blah..geezum to interrup a class over that!
Okay so there's a sexual offender on campus, so they put a sketch of the offender up on all calssrooms everywhere, thing is I swear that we had the same sketch up in coconut creek about two months ago for an armed robber, now I am wondering is it the same person or do the cops just select from a book of drawings and photocopy the same picture all the time? Or am I just imagining things????
breaking news: just got announcement in university e-mail saying that assault never occured, now is this a coverup? or did it really not occur (03-14-06)
ha ha just saw on this news line: '...woman enters exhibit, elephant smacks her'
now thats just hilarious! Wouldn't be if I were the woman but since I'm not he heh!
'Abizaid : Iraq can expect more bombings'....ammmm well duh, I guess this guy just woke up and found out about the civil war.
'Feisty Rooster rules at Punta City hall' Eh??????? Oh well good for him
'Bush-Musharaff renews antiterror alliance' comment.
'Brokeback Mountain named Best independent film'...didn't see it as yet , just noted that...I guess the right wing doesn't extent to te oscars:D...either ways its on my 'to see list'
I liked that guy's performance in The Good Girl.
Okay so it took about half hour to post this since the computer froze about ten times so far on top of dial up!!!!
I've edited most of the swearing from this to make it readable! Gotta watch my blog now and watch the cussing since it seems that blogs are beginng to disappear off the face of the virtual world
Even worse the dsl is down so we have dial up now.
dial up???? come again. wtf!!!
using dial up now is like opting for a casette instead of a CD,
using a VCR instead of a DVD player,
a typewriter instead of a get the drift...
Yeah I'm going bezerk, just tried to upload a file that would've taken 2 minutes max now the estimated time is 2 h .....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Worse yet, people especially those horrible, stupid TELEMARKETERS keep on calling and kicking me offline...and the computer keeps on losing the connection, it is taking a grand effort to not rip my hair off my head.
okay so going retro now, two girls decided that they will act as if the're in high school instead of a senior level class and broke into an argument over 'don't talk about me' blah blah..geezum to interrup a class over that!
Okay so there's a sexual offender on campus, so they put a sketch of the offender up on all calssrooms everywhere, thing is I swear that we had the same sketch up in coconut creek about two months ago for an armed robber, now I am wondering is it the same person or do the cops just select from a book of drawings and photocopy the same picture all the time? Or am I just imagining things????
breaking news: just got announcement in university e-mail saying that assault never occured, now is this a coverup? or did it really not occur (03-14-06)
ha ha just saw on this news line: '...woman enters exhibit, elephant smacks her'
now thats just hilarious! Wouldn't be if I were the woman but since I'm not he heh!
'Abizaid : Iraq can expect more bombings'....ammmm well duh, I guess this guy just woke up and found out about the civil war.
'Feisty Rooster rules at Punta City hall' Eh??????? Oh well good for him
'Bush-Musharaff renews antiterror alliance' comment.
'Brokeback Mountain named Best independent film'...didn't see it as yet , just noted that...I guess the right wing doesn't extent to te oscars:D...either ways its on my 'to see list'
I liked that guy's performance in The Good Girl.
Okay so it took about half hour to post this since the computer froze about ten times so far on top of dial up!!!!
I've edited most of the swearing from this to make it readable! Gotta watch my blog now and watch the cussing since it seems that blogs are beginng to disappear off the face of the virtual world
Friday, March 03, 2006
SPRING BREAK!!!!! last semester as an undergrad where spring break can actually be appreciated and enjoyed!!!!
An ode to Spring Break
Spring break is here
an oasis to the aching, tired
brains of students everywhere.
yeah! now we're wired!
A bit on fire, feeling the fury
of a spattering excitement
born from planned delinquency
when it is over then we repent!
Forget those terrible slavemasters
and torturesome papers for now
yeah they'll be back, bringing diasasters
but for now!!!
yeah I know its a pretty bad piece of poetry but unfortunately my brain went on hibernate mode right after 8pm today...probably won't start back up for about a week
seriously I've been looking forward to spring break since about the beginning of february:D
man I wish that I were more organized, then I can spend more time wasting time during spring break:D, instead of trying to get back on track....once again WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!
An ode to Spring Break
Spring break is here
an oasis to the aching, tired
brains of students everywhere.
yeah! now we're wired!
A bit on fire, feeling the fury
of a spattering excitement
born from planned delinquency
when it is over then we repent!
Forget those terrible slavemasters
and torturesome papers for now
yeah they'll be back, bringing diasasters
but for now!!!
yeah I know its a pretty bad piece of poetry but unfortunately my brain went on hibernate mode right after 8pm today...probably won't start back up for about a week
seriously I've been looking forward to spring break since about the beginning of february:D
man I wish that I were more organized, then I can spend more time wasting time during spring break:D, instead of trying to get back on track....once again WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!
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