Some thoughts, mainly random rantings. I was 23 when I started this blog, and as time goes on some thoughts will remain the same, some views may change when I am no longer the observer but actually the performer, in this play that is life. These thoughts simply reflect a bit of the chaos that plays through my mind every day as I take a moment to observe the little details that I encounter along my path.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Same shit different day, lies only in the eyes of the beholder!

Wanted to post this for a while now ( forgot that it was even there)

Even though I sometimes say this when in a bad mood I was struck by this response after I asked it to an old man, what got me was that he always gave the same reply so then I asked him about it. And he wasn't very happy with his life because he lived for tomorrow and a dream of tomorrow but he didn't live in the day. It is nice to sometimes think that if today isn't great and maybe tomorrow would be different but what happens when tomorrow becomes today and you keep on looking towards other tomorrows instead of simply trying to enjoy today.
Anyways I came upon the conclusions below ( subject to change if I turn about 60 and gain the cynical wisdom from age)

Same shit different day...only applies to if you are so stuck in your ways that you take the same path everyday and notice only the same things! Or should I say notice the things that you were trained to look for. Everyday is amazing there is a hundred zillion new things to learn, or observe. ( I think thats why I think too much, observing everything and wondering, but at least it makes each day different!)
How about taking a different path, listening to or entertaining a different opinion, trying something new or would you rafter live safely and very boring the society that was created for you?

Very bored at 1:33am

There is this software called heritage that supposedly tells you who your celebrity look alike are.
Decided to try it and was very much surprised by the results although, I believe that the software simply compares the position and shape of the face.

I wanted it to tell me that I had a unique face and nobody looks like me or that I do not resemble anyone but unfortunately it came up with matches and gave me Ashley Olsen as a top match! Geeze, she's a kid!
But I guess thats a drawback to being human, we are of the same species and there will be obvious similarities in our phenotype no matter how hard we try to find differences.
tell me what you think and do try?
The first one shows where the program automatically cropped my pic and the second one I cropped it to include more of me. As you can see even though it is the same pic, there are differences.
Ps: Ignore the hair style( I am saving the planet by not wasting energy to blow dry or straight iron my hair anymore)

Lastly same day different angle results: I should mention that Mena Suvari ( I really don't know who she is ) is included in all of the results its just that my widget excludes her.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


from: The Perks of being a Wallflower

..."Do you always think this much Charlie?"
"Is that bad?" I just wanted someone to tell me the truth
"Not necessarily, its just that sometimes people use thoughts to not participate in life"
"Is that bad?"

This line kind of struck me and I've been trying to participate as well, sometime we find so many excuses to not do something if we think it over first, and then sometimes the most fun is when the thought occurs and you follow with the action.
I've been trying to participate too instead of hiding behind or in my thoughts.
sometime I simply want to turn off the thinking and once again enter fully into the world around me and breathe with it, experience it completely instead of simply existing on the outskirts, watching and observing.

The poisonous mentality behind an Honor Killing
At the same time I am posting this, I am listening to the news about an Iraqi girl that was stoned to death in an honor killing.
I am wondering what could possibly be going through the minds of those men as they kicked and beat this girl in the middle of the street to death.
I am also wondering is this story real. I am hoping that it is not.
I cannot understand the mentality of the crowd that did this or a society that would condone it.
And above all I am wondering WHAT IN HELL IS AN HONOR KILLING? How could this girl possibly disrupt the honor of all those freaks that participated in killing her, how did she dishonor them? Did they own her life that they can take it over that? ( she was seen with a man who was not the same kind of Muslim as she was, the girl was 17)
And I am wondering what would have been going through the mind of the girl, did she think that it was right that she be killed because she broke the 'rules', was she hoping that there was at least one soul in the mob that would speak up and realize that this was wrong. did she hope that no other girl would be killed this way, or no other person for that matter.

I guess it is the incidents above that makes me not want to breathe with this World, but at least I think that I can participate and try to make a teeny change or just be a little voice speaking out against atrocities such as that.