one of the coolest gifts is a barnes and noble gift card!
wohooo, I got one just for being in the right place at the right time.
the student government association found themselves with too much extra cash...I love getting cool free stuff!!!
listen to this, the kid told me, listen we are giving away gift cards you just have to answer these questions and don't worry I'll give you the answers....he he heh, what else was I supposed to say, but HELL YEAH, where do I sign!
the hardest decision was deciding whether I wanted the book on contemporary magic or sketching (hey I need a hobby!!!), I opted for sketching.
so yesterday my package came, I am soo excited!
apart from my book on how to sketch I got another another calvin and hobbes comic book!!!!!!!!!!!! barnes and boble even sent me free this is too much:D
so far I have attempted to draw my foot, we had lost electricity during the day and since that meant no internet , I was left with nothing else to do but sip cofee and stare at my feet.
It proved to be a welcome muse!!!!!
I really need help with shading though, if there is anyone out there who can assist me in this area please do direct me to help.
In other news I found this really cool way to save on my cell phone bill.
io downloaded adcalls and now I can use the pc to place calls to phones without ever touching the cell...HA HA CINGULAR! no more overage fees for me!!!
so people please do download this ..only problem is that you have a 10 minute limit, but if you're like me and can get to the point right away then this wouldn't affect you much, or you can simply readial after the 10 minutes are up.
I took this personality quiz on tickle that told me I am romantic, so I have been busying myself lately trying to act romantic since the test said that I am, I don't think that it has been working though, because the long walk on the beach usually turns into a gallop for me and the romantic dinner gave me heart burn!!!
In other news , I have been resisting the urge to bash my head into a wall due to the pressure that I am a girl and therefore should not be taken seriously since I can be placated easily and it is my duty to listen and never question.
been reading da vinci with a dictionary, I saw the movie before i read the book and now in reading the book I realise how truly genius the writer is.
I see elements of foreshadowing and the obvious ironly that builds the intensity of the plot!
I dunno what all the fuss is about but this is a sure as hell damn good read!
judging from my above comment I think that my choice of language just disqualified me for the psoition of NY times book review staff:D