I just really like this song:D
Some thoughts, mainly random rantings. I was 23 when I started this blog, and as time goes on some thoughts will remain the same, some views may change when I am no longer the observer but actually the performer, in this play that is life. These thoughts simply reflect a bit of the chaos that plays through my mind every day as I take a moment to observe the little details that I encounter along my path.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
VENTING...And spreading holiday cheer
Been busy because got a holiday job at the mall, would complain more on it but the point remains that I get paid and I don't mind working except that my co-workers mainly grate on my nerves. So far they have lied to me, given me really mean stares and even tried to trick me into doing their jobs ( I found this weird and asked the manager she told me don't give in to them and outlined my duties which is what I try to accomplish instead of listening to their griping etc blah blah).Working with these girls I sense as if I am Gulliver, lost, judgemental and pissed off amongst the yahoos. I have never encountered such competition over such trivial stuff. This is the exact description of what I feel like...
"At other times, if a female stranger came among them, three or four of her own sex would get about her, and stare, and chatter, and grin, and smell her all over; and then turn off with gestures, that seemed to express contempt and disdain." (Gulliver's travels.)
Okay I admit that is mean..but i am so stressed.( blog edited here for content after I became un-mean)
On top of that I screwed up on the GRE, need to retake, scored 1020 need over 1100, I was very angry , blaming everyone but then I realised its just a test, it didn't kill me and the only person at fault is actually myself, so I'll move on and retake, wish me luck Bloggers!
Now most annoying of all is Donald Trump, to describe him in one word, I would call him an asshole, but to be more politically correct, I would say a womanizing arrogant,chauvinst.
All of this in regards to the Miss America pagent, what if its Donald's pagent so he can set, break the rules whenever he wants.And the news reporters are loving the feud between Rosie and Donald. My take He will always be an asshole, nobody wants to listen to him, he is fighting like a child, yes he does have fucked up hair and I cannot understand how such an arrogant bastard is allowed so much news time, simple solution put that little druggie chic in rehab, ignore Donald and focus more on those soldiers who were convicted for the SLAUGHTER of the people in IRAQ. The news this morning spent all of 5 minutes on that news and about a whole freaking hour on Donald and Rosie bickering.
We have a bigger problem than a little chic who's high and causing a raucus between two loud celebrities.
I was speaking with a guy this morning who said Rosie is an idiot because she's homo, I thought to myself well aren't you open-minded.What idiot would simply ignore a person'stance simply based on their sexual preference?
Anyways now onto the war on christmas...may I ask what the fuck is that?
People want to bring the Christ back into christamas , well go right ahead but they are actually listing retailer who say merry christmas and christians should shop only there...ahhhh excuse me?
See maybe their motives are somewhat alright but the point remains that they are still commericializing Christmas anyways.
How about , if you really wanted to say something give an insight into christmas, what Christ stood for? Don't bicker about who says X-mas as opposed to christmas, what about other religious sects? I don't care if someone wishes me merry christmas, merry x-mas, safe holidays, good cheer, whatever as long as its a happy greeting and makes everyone all happy.People shop a lot because they feel like giving and mostly they have nice moods, except where there is holiday traffic and such, but I think that at this time the most scarce human virtue is patience...
Anwyas I would rather the public focus more on ending the WAR IN IRAQ than some imaginary war on christmas made up by Only God knows who.
Enough blogging, lemme chill and spread holiday cheer....
Whatever your reasons at least celebrate LIFE!
"At other times, if a female stranger came among them, three or four of her own sex would get about her, and stare, and chatter, and grin, and smell her all over; and then turn off with gestures, that seemed to express contempt and disdain." (Gulliver's travels.)
Okay I admit that is mean..but i am so stressed.( blog edited here for content after I became un-mean)
On top of that I screwed up on the GRE, need to retake, scored 1020 need over 1100, I was very angry , blaming everyone but then I realised its just a test, it didn't kill me and the only person at fault is actually myself, so I'll move on and retake, wish me luck Bloggers!
Now most annoying of all is Donald Trump, to describe him in one word, I would call him an asshole, but to be more politically correct, I would say a womanizing arrogant,chauvinst.
All of this in regards to the Miss America pagent, what if its Donald's pagent so he can set, break the rules whenever he wants.And the news reporters are loving the feud between Rosie and Donald. My take He will always be an asshole, nobody wants to listen to him, he is fighting like a child, yes he does have fucked up hair and I cannot understand how such an arrogant bastard is allowed so much news time, simple solution put that little druggie chic in rehab, ignore Donald and focus more on those soldiers who were convicted for the SLAUGHTER of the people in IRAQ. The news this morning spent all of 5 minutes on that news and about a whole freaking hour on Donald and Rosie bickering.
We have a bigger problem than a little chic who's high and causing a raucus between two loud celebrities.
I was speaking with a guy this morning who said Rosie is an idiot because she's homo, I thought to myself well aren't you open-minded.What idiot would simply ignore a person'stance simply based on their sexual preference?
Anyways now onto the war on christmas...may I ask what the fuck is that?
People want to bring the Christ back into christamas , well go right ahead but they are actually listing retailer who say merry christmas and christians should shop only there...ahhhh excuse me?
See maybe their motives are somewhat alright but the point remains that they are still commericializing Christmas anyways.
How about , if you really wanted to say something give an insight into christmas, what Christ stood for? Don't bicker about who says X-mas as opposed to christmas, what about other religious sects? I don't care if someone wishes me merry christmas, merry x-mas, safe holidays, good cheer, whatever as long as its a happy greeting and makes everyone all happy.People shop a lot because they feel like giving and mostly they have nice moods, except where there is holiday traffic and such, but I think that at this time the most scarce human virtue is patience...
Anwyas I would rather the public focus more on ending the WAR IN IRAQ than some imaginary war on christmas made up by Only God knows who.
Enough blogging, lemme chill and spread holiday cheer....
Whatever your reasons at least celebrate LIFE!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The seven things
I. Seven things I want to do before I die:
Adopt a kid
Climb a mountain
Clean my room/ get organised
Learn to belly dance
learn to kickbox/tae kwon doe
Swim like a fish
Live in a real village w/o electricity / telephones or satellite
II. Seven things I can do:
Be myself
Bust a few moves:D ( dance moves)
Be an idiot
escape into la la land
Change my mind
III. Seven things I say the most:
Shit happens
Gimme a break
Are you for real
jeezum crow
Eh heh
IV. Seven things I cannot do:
Cut hair
Play an instrument
Learn foreign language
Give a false compliment
Give a spontaneous hug
V. Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:
A passion for classic poetry
VI. Seven Celebrity crushes (or celebrities whom you like):
Johnny Depp
Aishwaria Rai
Sheryl Crow
Morgan Freeman
Jonny Bravo
VII. Seven people I want to tag:
I don't know, maybe I'll let seven tag themselves:D
Adopt a kid
Climb a mountain
Clean my room/ get organised
Learn to belly dance
learn to kickbox/tae kwon doe
Swim like a fish
Live in a real village w/o electricity / telephones or satellite
II. Seven things I can do:
Be myself
Bust a few moves:D ( dance moves)
Be an idiot
escape into la la land
Change my mind
III. Seven things I say the most:
Shit happens
Gimme a break
Are you for real
jeezum crow
Eh heh
IV. Seven things I cannot do:
Cut hair
Play an instrument
Learn foreign language
Give a false compliment
Give a spontaneous hug
V. Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:
A passion for classic poetry
VI. Seven Celebrity crushes (or celebrities whom you like):
Johnny Depp
Aishwaria Rai
Sheryl Crow
Morgan Freeman
Jonny Bravo
VII. Seven people I want to tag:
I don't know, maybe I'll let seven tag themselves:D
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Christmas Canon - Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Full Version)
A wonderful piece of music orchestrated for Christmas. In keeping with Vami's suggestion to share favourite christmas music, here I will share one of mine.
This is christmas canon by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, found it on you tube posted by
Friday, December 01, 2006
For Vami

You probably know me better than anyone else on this planet, but did you know how extremely happy I feel whenever someone comments that I resemble you?
Do you have any idea how blessed I feel that we are related?
Do you know how much faith I have in you? How I admire your strength?
Do you know that you're my best friend.
I love you lots!

Wanted to share something positive and beautiful, found this in my inbox today:
Once a person prayed to God, "Please give me a flower and a butterfly for my garden". When he opened his eyes, he found a cactus and a caterpillar instead. He was dismayed and wondered why God had misunderstood his request. "Maybe God has too many people to care for," he rationalized and decided not to complain. After some time, when he went back to the garden, he found, to his surprise, that the unsightly caterpillar had transformed into a charming butterfly and the thorny, ugly cactus had a beautiful, fragrant flower on it.
Moral: God always answers our prayers, but often His answers manifest as per His supremely wise time and plan, not ours. God always gives the best to those who leave the choices to Him. But leaving the choices to God is almost impossible unless we tap the power of faith within us. Faith is innate to us; one of our first life-sustaining activities in life is based on faith. After birth, when our mother lovingly offers us her breast-milk, we drink it promptly without doubt. A research conducted to simulate the conversion of 'one piece of bread into blood' found that the industry for it extended to three kilometers! The conclusion: the work that we do in our entire lifetime for our survival is less than the work required to convert a handful of food into blood inside our body. The Bhagavad-gita ( 15.14) confirms that God sustains our life through the mechanism of digestion. But as we grow up, that faith of the heart is often obscured by the undesirable emotions - especially by sorrow, illusion and fear, which misdirect our consciousness, as stated in the Shrimad Bhagavatam ( 1.7.7). Sorrow makes us look behind - at all that has gone wrong in our life, illusion makes us look around – for some instant gratification to forget everything that has gone wrong and worry makes us look ahead - to everything that may go wrong in the future. Faith alone empowers us to look up - to see the benevolent hand of God guiding us out of our problems, to understand that everything is actually alright even if it appears wrong,
When we are faced with adversities, as is inevitable in this world, our peace and happiness will depend not on our wealth, but our faith.
However, if our perceptions are dominated by a materialistic conception of religion, "God is meant to provide me material enjoyment", we often blind ourselves to God's benevolence. We are intrinsically spiritual beings and without spiritual devotion for God, nothing can make us happy, just as a fish cannot live without water. Of course we need material things in life and God wants to provide those too; but not if they distract us from our eternal spiritual legacy in the kingdom of God . God is thus like a father, whose entire estate is ultimately meant for his son, but who may stop or decrease even his son's pocket money, if he sees his son squandering it in addictive indulgences. How can we increase our faith in God? The Vedic scriptures explain that hearing the message of the Lord as revealed in the sacred scriptures from His dedicated devotees and chanting His Holy Names strengthens our faith. Hence this divinely uplifting association of spiritual scientists constitutes a "faith-lift".
So when things apparently go wrong and our hearts become wrinkled by anxiety, let's go in, not for a face-lift comprising of artificial smiles, but for a "faith-lift". Then instead of jumping to short-sighted conclusions and falling into the ditch of ignorant distress, we will find ourselves taking a leap of faith into the protective arms of God.
Moral: God always answers our prayers, but often His answers manifest as per His supremely wise time and plan, not ours. God always gives the best to those who leave the choices to Him. But leaving the choices to God is almost impossible unless we tap the power of faith within us. Faith is innate to us; one of our first life-sustaining activities in life is based on faith. After birth, when our mother lovingly offers us her breast-milk, we drink it promptly without doubt. A research conducted to simulate the conversion of 'one piece of bread into blood' found that the industry for it extended to three kilometers! The conclusion: the work that we do in our entire lifetime for our survival is less than the work required to convert a handful of food into blood inside our body. The Bhagavad-gita ( 15.14) confirms that God sustains our life through the mechanism of digestion. But as we grow up, that faith of the heart is often obscured by the undesirable emotions - especially by sorrow, illusion and fear, which misdirect our consciousness, as stated in the Shrimad Bhagavatam ( 1.7.7). Sorrow makes us look behind - at all that has gone wrong in our life, illusion makes us look around – for some instant gratification to forget everything that has gone wrong and worry makes us look ahead - to everything that may go wrong in the future. Faith alone empowers us to look up - to see the benevolent hand of God guiding us out of our problems, to understand that everything is actually alright even if it appears wrong,
When we are faced with adversities, as is inevitable in this world, our peace and happiness will depend not on our wealth, but our faith.
However, if our perceptions are dominated by a materialistic conception of religion, "God is meant to provide me material enjoyment", we often blind ourselves to God's benevolence. We are intrinsically spiritual beings and without spiritual devotion for God, nothing can make us happy, just as a fish cannot live without water. Of course we need material things in life and God wants to provide those too; but not if they distract us from our eternal spiritual legacy in the kingdom of God . God is thus like a father, whose entire estate is ultimately meant for his son, but who may stop or decrease even his son's pocket money, if he sees his son squandering it in addictive indulgences. How can we increase our faith in God? The Vedic scriptures explain that hearing the message of the Lord as revealed in the sacred scriptures from His dedicated devotees and chanting His Holy Names strengthens our faith. Hence this divinely uplifting association of spiritual scientists constitutes a "faith-lift".
So when things apparently go wrong and our hearts become wrinkled by anxiety, let's go in, not for a face-lift comprising of artificial smiles, but for a "faith-lift". Then instead of jumping to short-sighted conclusions and falling into the ditch of ignorant distress, we will find ourselves taking a leap of faith into the protective arms of God.
by S. Das
I know that the vedas are mentioned here but I think that faith belongs to all, it is an intrinsic characteristic that defines humanity and forms a universal bond, that keeps every soul hoping, moving along their chosen path...living!
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