We are in the Nauvraatri clelebrations now and the air is filled with an energy that can probably only be correlated to Shakti as now we are more focused on it. I was feeling a bit disturbed lately and on Friday night I decided to go to the temple, upon seeing the Devi in all her glory, the misery in my heart was quelled, I had found myself in the embrace of the divine mother.
A bit of an explanation of the Shakti, in looking at the aspect of God as the static (shiva) (potential energy) and then there is the dynamic or shakti (kinetic energy), of the universe, has always been there, never lost, just simply converted from form to form.
Last night I had a rather difficult time sleeping, I felt as if there was something that needed to be done and I even woke up several times during the night trying to figure it out.
It was in the morning that I realised my restlessness, In looking through some papers I found my Gita and started reading it, everything seemed to fall into perspective. In looking at the events of my life so far, I realise the purpose of each player and every tear.
My view of the world is slowy changing and in doing so, my responsivness to it is changing as well. I am finding it harder to exist in the physical world and be affected by the normal emotions of everyday life.
In this time I believe that our inner demons (basal qualities) are aggrivated because they are brought out in the open against the auspiciousness of the celebrations. Durga ( the invincible) manifested whenever there are demons to destroy them. The kundalini that rises, destroying all ego and vices. It is up to us to not give in to these demons but to seek the blessings of the Devi and to overcome these demons and find ourself in peace. In doing so one finds a contentment and pecefullness in life that keeps a constant smile on their face.
okay furgie...you leave comments about me being crazy because me talks about metaphysical stuff in mes blog and u's come in u's blog and start talking about getting u power risin' and me's stills cannots believes that u's haves the nerves to tells me's thats me's crazies!!! u looney toon!
me wuvs uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu:P
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