Yesterday was graduation and my birthday as well. At the beginning of the year I had been very excited for that day but I guess we never know what to expect in life. I got caught up in the complexities of life and so on Thursday night I found myself struggling for sleep, with a distant thought somewhere in the back of my mind that I was graduating the next day.
It seems as if I have not blogged in forever.
Anyways the highlight of everything, raj let me doggysit Boo for a couple days!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, and Happy Birthday, in that order. The former you earned, the latter was handed down to you, hehe, just a perspective.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yes, that is right..... Congrats!!!!
Congrats on Graduating! I would be graduating soon too. And yes I am back!
And belated Happy B'day!
jah jah jah...u knos me made it happens for u!!! anyways, congrats...to me and you!! he he he
People seldom notice clothes if you wear a big smile. It is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
Congrats for ur graduation, what r ur future plans?
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