I turn to Dr. Seuss for help in explaining this one.
For those of you who have read this book, you know what I mean,
For the world, I wish that everyone can read this book!!!
Its at max a ten minute read, that would have you thinking for a very long time.
My very good friend had introduced me to this book one day in barnes and noble, at the time I wondered why would he ever want me to read a kiddies book, I never regretted reading it!
For those of you who can and haven't read this book as yet then please do
so after they have all fought and destroyed everything in sight, then what can man claim victory to?
The survivors will have to suffer the consequences of global warming and everything else.
Everyone loses, yet they fight.
I wonder what is gained by taking a life, I always wondered about war, Is there really victory in murdering someone who is not on your side of the line, or as Dr. Seuss so cleverly puts it butters their bread on the opposite side.