Just as sometimes looking at old pictures and wondering,
Is that me? Or even to chance a glance in a mirror and be startled at the form. Even then so to isolate a body part like a hand and to not recognize it when focused just on that.
So too I believe is the nature of the blog.
To pen a thought, and then wonder, was that me?
It is strange to look at oneself evolving ( not necessarily for better or worse), but changing because it is a guarantee that follows every breath and thought left to wander.
To thread across this virtual world, finding stimulation, repulsion and then some, piecing together characters hidden in text, it is like the X-ray I guess. It reveals but cloaks.
The blog, it is weird but then again does sustain, causes at least churning of thoughts rather than the stagnant mind eroding.
Your post made me go back and review my old posts from 2005, and you're right there's a strangeness about it> Is that what I posted; are those feelings mine and on THAT subject? Why would I have coined that? What made me say that? Why did I react like that? Now, how did THAT impress me? Well... I guess I too have moved on from being the blogger i was then to who i am now. Now I wonder where I'll end up...
Do you think we come out the better at the end, or is it that we'll have lost all our initial innocence that of having trust in a system and believing in the goodness of people?
Hi Id, that I really don't know, to define better or worse is way beyond me. Life conditions one, society, experience and circumstance will dictate our thoughts always.
I think its not trust that we lose, but we gain more understanding of human nature, it is preserved, as much as things change they always stay the same. hence although it may seem like apathy, it isn't, it is just a calmness that manifests when we stop racing through life to observe.
lee, u need some sleep....was this when me dideth u eyebrows??? looks like me woik...like un masterpiece! oi oieth. taking customers...nut everybody rush now!
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