I grew up on Milo and sesame street! wohooooooooooooooooo
So many times a little situation would occur and one of those little songs from sesame street would go through my head.
I think that there is no other kiddies show that is worth watching except Sesame Street.
I believe that I watched this religiously until I was about 16 years old.
Thinking about captain vegetable, cookie monster and sharing, Big bird and Snuffy with friendship, little bear teaches tolerance how to try something new, Oscar shows even a grouch can be nice, Elmo curious little red critter always welcoming friends, Bert and Ernie...am, well these two are two of my favorites, and I guess they can be taken as siblings since Vami annoys me just as much as Ernie does Bert!
Loved Maria and Luis, Gordon and Gina.
I even remembered an episode where sesame street attempted to teach racial acceptance where Gina and Savion ( I believe) was going out and someone wrote a mean note to them then Gina was trying to explain that some people just cannot see other other people happy and they want everything to be their way or something like that, but that was an awesome episode.
Also Sesame street also has those little songs where they try to include people from all different races, cultures and countries , I guess its the first sociology and acceptance lesson that kiddies are given, would help a lot in pluralistic pre school environment, maybe adults need to watch this too and learn to accept other cultures etc.
Another awesome episode was Maria and Luis's wedding.
Sesame Street addresses single parent families with the song "...mama's tree is over here back there is daddie's tree they live in different places but they both love me..."
I know its weird, but I simply love this series. I heard a tap leaking and right away remembered the episode in sesame street where you must not waste water,
he he have also developed a loathing for litterbugs...sesame street's message keep the trash or wrapper in your pocket or hand until you find a trash bin, to keep the street and oceans clean.
I can go on and on about this show, I would recommend it to adults as well, maybe people would be nicer if they watched it:D
...as for the other kiddies show, Teletubbies freaks me out, Barney is weird but Smurfs rocks, especially Gargamel!
Yeah, Sesame Street rocks. I recently paid £52 for 4 DVDs for my 2 year old nephew. Aside from the commercial aspects, CTW had some fantastic older episodes, though now the quality has deteriorated.
I can go on and on about this show, I would recommend it to adults as well, maybe people would be nicer if they watched it:D
Oh yeah, you're so nice right? :D
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