Sometimes we never realise how much even a little creature can mean to us. Today nemo and porgito died. I think that it was because of high chlorine in their water. I had changed their water and put in the conditioner, but I guess that it wasn't enough for the little fishies. nemo was a little survivor, I was always scared for little nemo, she had this habit of floating upside down for no reason, and then she would flip over and swim normally so when I saw little nemo floating upside down I was startled but I still tried to get her to respond, however the tears came rushing when I looked up and saw porgito floating in the tank. Poor porgito, I used to go up to their tank and make kisses and sing to them (porgito used to dance:D). These little souls meant so much to me.
today shivy came by (little 3yr old couz, he came into my room insisting that nemo and porgito were hungry, he knows porgito by name, I told him no shivy you cannot feed them, if you feed them too much they will die. the poor kid insisted so much he said please just a little bit so I gave in and said okay shivy just a little bit. that was the last time they were fed, after I had put them into the water, I thought twice about feeding them since they had eaten earlier. I used to just stare at them whenever I was home alone, I would just go and look at them, each one with their own sweet personality, porgito was a brave pudgy little guy, nemo the crazy little pretty fish that kept to herself. I miss them. my brother just came home, he walked into the kitchen and asked where are the fishes, vami told him that they are in the fridge (we will bury them tomorrow) he asked why are they in the fridge. he couldn't believe that they are dead.
I guess that these little darlings were loved by everyone in the house.
The little red guy in the pic is stitch, he was put into a seperate tank because of his habit of hitting porgito in the head. the pic was taken on divali night, I was taking pics of all family members :), I still remember blowing bubbles in their tank with a straw after we lost power for the hurricane. Thankfully little stitch survived, I guess because he's a beta and the conditioner is best for betas, I am sure that stitch misses his buddies porgito and nemo.
The pic with shivy was taken the day after nemo and porgito died. The inncoence of a child, he did not want to believe me when I said that they had died. When he had figured that no one was looking and he stole this chair as silently as alittle 3 year old can and went searching for nemo and porgito:(
awwww!!! look at shivy! he wanted to know why they were not buried in the tank!!! try telling a three year old that decomposition occurs when something dies! furgie..you missed that part of the conversation. where were you anywayz?
try telling that to a25 year old old...vinod asked why were they in the fridge!
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