Some thoughts, mainly random rantings. I was 23 when I started this blog, and as time goes on some thoughts will remain the same, some views may change when I am no longer the observer but actually the performer, in this play that is life. These thoughts simply reflect a bit of the chaos that plays through my mind every day as I take a moment to observe the little details that I encounter along my path.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


There is a lot of quibbling between critics over this movie.
Actually the movie itself is quite good. I believe that the problem arises in that Mel Gibson directed it and people have their own issues with the director.
Anyways if you plan on seeing this movie, it is well made , look for these elements when watching the movie and then maybe you can appreciate the genius of it, and ignoring your own reservations towards Mel Gibson.

1. Pay very close attention to the opening line in the movie.
2. Look for brilliant foreshadowing.
3. The themes of fear, brotherhood, love, awakening, cleansing, self realization, are all expertly displayed in this movie, realize them when you see it.
4. The setting of this movie has been the Ace used by critics who dislike Gibson to spit on this movie.
Then again, do look at the setting and pretend that you are not an archeologist for a moment, and realize that it is phenomenal!
5. And look very closely at the ending dialogue in the movie.
6. If you want a historically accurate depiction of these civilizations, then watch the discovery channel, if you want to watch a movie that can draw out your deepest passions and will take you into a completely different world for 2 ½ hours then watch this.

Now what make the protagonist fight so much for survival? When the others seem to accept their fate. The answer is right there:)
Many have commented that there is too much violence in this movie, but while watching this movie do you not realize the inner fighter within yourself? Do you not want the protagonist to be violent? To fight? Is this violence necessary for this movie? YES! It is used to illustrate several central themes!

Are the Mayans depicted as uncivilized? Of course not! Only one who has the audacity to define civilization would point out this as a flaw in the movie.

There are very clever and very strong warriors in the movie, why were these warriors defeated? This is the central point of the movie.
Did the Spaniards bring relief to these people? Actually No this is not the point made, once again pay closely to the dialogue in the end.
Lastly do you not realize the similarities between the warriors and people way back then and now?
Do we still not blindly sacrifice others to appease our own beliefs and superstitions? Like the Spaniards do we not seek to destroy ancient civilizations simply because we do not understand them? The only people who can even begin to think that these people were uncivilized are the ones who are illusioned to think of themselves as civilized.

Ignore all critics on this movie and give it a chance.


Vaibhav Khire said...

You are right:)
I think we should simply look at the movie and not mix it up with our feelings for the maker.:)

Me will watch the movie for sure:P
Good Analysis. And yes, we, by no means are no more civilized than any other people.

Sh'shank said...

I want to... i quite like the gibson style of cinema...
but i am going to miss it with regards to my current situation...
pound is a bloody crime...
but i am glad someone liked it convincing people without havng watched a movie about how great it is, is very difficult...

Id it is said...

I haven't watched it but now I will. Great review Nandi; intrigues yet withholds.
As for being civilized or otherwise, there's a very fine line between the two and it could be a minor refraction that may declare you uncivilized. What is worse is as you rightly point out, the fact that you do not fit into any of the predetermined categories of the so called civilized society is reason enough for them to label you uncivilized.

starry said...

Thanks for the review will watch this movie.

Vami said...

me had fortune/not so good fortune of sitting next to poigi while watching movie. poigi been discussing movie ever break fuh is officially spamming u blogspot...oi oi!