While chillin in the library I randomly grabbed a book from the shelf and found a section on love potions ( this was not my original intent since the book was about hair and hair stories and how people are self conscious about it), anyways I found a guaranteed to work love potion, however this will only work if the object of your desire has a mole with hair growing out of it.
This is what you gotta do:
pluck the hair from the mole and mix it with the mud from a cemetery and put this in a pouch and wear it around your neck. It is said that your obsession will fall madly in love with you after a few weeks if you diligently wear this if not creepy somewhat weird pendant.
I forgot the name of the book but I will give credit as soon as I can find it again.
Now I was thinking a lot about this( not that I wanted to try it) but actually about the basic of why would this even work and what could possibly be so special about a mole with hair growing from it.
Anyways this led me to come up with my own idea of a spell (actually a quick way to make some fast cash if I can market this:D) or at least a good idea for a practical joke.
as you all know there is a huge market for weight loss stuff , and I thought why not market a voodoo doll to help with weight control. I first suggested this idea to Vami who first asked me if I was okay and then concluded that I was possessed. However if this doesn't work as a weight loss device then at least it can be awesome for a practical joke. This is my initial marketing advertisement. I also thought this would be useful for a practical joke if you kept a big and small doll on you before visiting a friend that you hand not seen for a long time and well depending on their state you use the appropriate doll to show them that you had cast a spell on them. However I will not be held responsible for any injuries you may sustain from your friend or any other party that you may use this on.
p.s. The purpose of this email was actually intended to poke fun at myself for running after so many *quick fixes* on the market in order to try to get rid of a 20lb weight gain when all I should've done was actually literally run:P. Yesterday Vami told me that a girl described me as being chunky, I found this hilarious since I would've described myself as more porky:P.
kids, can u spell "psycho?"
me tinketh u needeth to be exorcised again!!!!!!! dratz...has u been taking u medicine???????????
btw....u is not porky....u is hugabble! me not likey when u skinny. me tinkey u wook hot rite now!
'a voodoo doll to help with weight control'... what a novel idea! You could make some big money there.
We have become a quick-fix nation, and some of these quick-fixes fix us for life, unfortunately!
Hi ID,I think that we rush for quick fixes when we try to put too much into our day, people run out of patience and will buy anything in order to 'fit in'
the virtual world is the best place to be. it can make you look exactly how u want to look...
it doesnt quite matter how the person is but only how they look...
pity but well...
he he actually I'm happy with myself ( I got used to my own skin:D)
I am very afraid of you now! ;-)
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