Some thoughts, mainly random rantings. I was 23 when I started this blog, and as time goes on some thoughts will remain the same, some views may change when I am no longer the observer but actually the performer, in this play that is life. These thoughts simply reflect a bit of the chaos that plays through my mind every day as I take a moment to observe the little details that I encounter along my path.
Friday, October 19, 2007
which is correct , to say that i am perfect, and then another says no you are not because of your ego,
but then isn't the ego in the other that causes him/her to judge perfection?
Monday, September 17, 2007
The mind raves...again :D
visions from God, Dreams, how much do we read into them? or is it just a cycle of the mind, of time, the thought or want is there, it creeps into our subconscious and festers there where pretty soon it erupts and contaminates the mind?
When people speak of choice and free will, what really to they mean?
Given sensory organs and the sensation of pain and pleasure, we have no free will, memories are stamped in our mind, fears arise, expectations and stereotypes blossom, is it not so?
The ability of the human mind to 'associate' we are always doing it, consciously and subconsciously. But then again is this a defining characteristic of life? What if we could not feel then, were void of likes, dislikes , visions and dreams?
Are our likes and dislikes inherent or simply molded from birth by the society that is irrevocably bonded to our mind.
What if there is only one choice, the choice to exist or to not exist.
How can believers claim to have a vision, if the mind was already seeded with the belief?
The subconscious, it is rather peculiar, how does one know that a vision is really a vision and simply not a reflection of the general consciousness of the mind, time and place?
I was contemplating this and also various novels, why is it that people gather different feelings from it, it our tendency to associate.
The author is a human trying to paint a picture of what sustains their thought, the reader will either comprehend and recognise this or simply be baffled.
It is expected, we are humans, and no matter what no two minds can be exactly alike.
I know that I am stepping into the slightly bizzare here but I am wondering what would the character of a human without any human interaction be like?
I need to know our true nature, does our greed only grow when in the presence of other humans?
I liked the movie lady in the water, the critics hated it, but the what exactly are the critics trained to look for? that is exactly it, they are trained, their feelings are governed for them, can not a movie interest us even if the rest of the world doesn't like it?
And why do they not like it? do they trust the critics?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Cosmic Pileup : WOW

Saw this on Aol this morning, the full story is here .I am always fascinated by the vastness of space and what lies beyond our own galaxy, it turns out that this is a picture of the creation of what may turn out to be a galaxy bigger than ours.
However do take the time to read the comments at the end of this and to see how colliding galaxies are linked to Iraq :D, as I am sure almost everything is eventually and how some actually see it as a sign of the second coming, although pardon my ignornace here but most 'popular' scriptures only talk about earth and what was visible in the sky to the naked eye, so how is it possible that this is the signal of the second coming or the end of the world?
We are after all the most important beings in the universe, so if we've got out we have to do it is style, a cosmic pileup to be arranged by the Almighty to finally put an end to human vileness.
This reminds me of a question that was asked once had on a biology exam, the question asked based on scientific reasoning which of the following may be evidence that would prove the theory that that it was probably a comet or some meteor that had slammed into the earth that had caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
One of the choices were that the fossils found showed that the creatures were all looking at the sky, so maybe too in one hundred kazillion years the creatures that inhabit a new earth will study the extinction of humans and realize that we were all gazing at the sky too ...
Anyways if you haven't repented now may be a good time to do so...
*wanders off to see what I can do with the time between now and the dawn of THE END*
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Randomness continued...
I've always wondered, why in primary school the teachers would ask us to write an essay on my life as a dog,
Almost everyone would write the same thing, loyalty to mater, nice brave dog etc,
now why couldn't someone just write that they were a rabid, psychotic half-wolf-pit bull kinda dog, and how they hated human attention and just wanted to be by themselves, screw loyalty, this wolf pit bull was hungry and was driven by the desire to survive and be free?
I guess an essay along these lines would be sure to get me sent to some kind of institution, so first maybe I should prove my sanity or 'compliance with the brain washing rules of polite society, before I can truly be brave enough to stand up against it.
Or at least a psychiatrist would be sure to tell me I have issues,
so question is, do I have issues for seeing the probability of this essay a different way or should the people who willingly subject themselves to stereotype and herd mentality be the one questioning for all seeing it the same way?
The most plausible answer to this is that everyone wants to seem normal and are afraid to voice a different opinion,
As little kiddies the desire to fit in is embedded into our very soul and then it consumes us until the day we die.
What is beautiful? Appeasing to the eyes? but then again, that which appeases the eyes if seen everyday becomes commonplace and boring and fascination shifts towards that which is rare.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Same shit different day, lies only in the eyes of the beholder!
Even though I sometimes say this when in a bad mood I was struck by this response after I asked it to an old man, what got me was that he always gave the same reply so then I asked him about it. And he wasn't very happy with his life because he lived for tomorrow and a dream of tomorrow but he didn't live in the day. It is nice to sometimes think that if today isn't great and maybe tomorrow would be different but what happens when tomorrow becomes today and you keep on looking towards other tomorrows instead of simply trying to enjoy today.
Anyways I came upon the conclusions below ( subject to change if I turn about 60 and gain the cynical wisdom from age)
Same shit different day...only applies to if you are so stuck in your ways that you take the same path everyday and notice only the same things! Or should I say notice the things that you were trained to look for. Everyday is amazing there is a hundred zillion new things to learn, or observe. ( I think thats why I think too much, observing everything and wondering, but at least it makes each day different!)
How about taking a different path, listening to or entertaining a different opinion, trying something new or would you rafter live safely and very boring the society that was created for you?
Very bored at 1:33am
Decided to try it and was very much surprised by the results although, I believe that the software simply compares the position and shape of the face.
I wanted it to tell me that I had a unique face and nobody looks like me or that I do not resemble anyone but unfortunately it came up with matches and gave me Ashley Olsen as a top match! Geeze, she's a kid!
But I guess thats a drawback to being human, we are of the same species and there will be obvious similarities in our phenotype no matter how hard we try to find differences.
tell me what you think and do try?
The first one shows where the program automatically cropped my pic and the second one I cropped it to include more of me. As you can see even though it is the same pic, there are differences.
Ps: Ignore the hair style( I am saving the planet by not wasting energy to blow dry or straight iron my hair anymore) | |
Lastly same day different angle results: I should mention that Mena Suvari ( I really don't know who she is ) is included in all of the results its just that my widget excludes her. |
Thursday, May 17, 2007
..."Do you always think this much Charlie?"
"Is that bad?" I just wanted someone to tell me the truth
"Not necessarily, its just that sometimes people use thoughts to not participate in life"
"Is that bad?"
This line kind of struck me and I've been trying to participate as well, sometime we find so many excuses to not do something if we think it over first, and then sometimes the most fun is when the thought occurs and you follow with the action.
I've been trying to participate too instead of hiding behind or in my thoughts.
sometime I simply want to turn off the thinking and once again enter fully into the world around me and breathe with it, experience it completely instead of simply existing on the outskirts, watching and observing.
The poisonous mentality behind an Honor Killing
At the same time I am posting this, I am listening to the news about an Iraqi girl that was stoned to death in an honor killing.
I am wondering what could possibly be going through the minds of those men as they kicked and beat this girl in the middle of the street to death.
I am also wondering is this story real. I am hoping that it is not.
I cannot understand the mentality of the crowd that did this or a society that would condone it.
And above all I am wondering WHAT IN HELL IS AN HONOR KILLING? How could this girl possibly disrupt the honor of all those freaks that participated in killing her, how did she dishonor them? Did they own her life that they can take it over that? ( she was seen with a man who was not the same kind of Muslim as she was, the girl was 17)
And I am wondering what would have been going through the mind of the girl, did she think that it was right that she be killed because she broke the 'rules', was she hoping that there was at least one soul in the mob that would speak up and realize that this was wrong. did she hope that no other girl would be killed this way, or no other person for that matter.
I guess it is the incidents above that makes me not want to breathe with this World, but at least I think that I can participate and try to make a teeny change or just be a little voice speaking out against atrocities such as that.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Culling still may happen!!!
You can take action by registering
here and simply voicing a request for them to stop.
Sometimes in order to win it is imperative that you lose.
Quite a brilliant quote, if only people would actually consider it.
The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.
- George Orwell
Saturday, April 21, 2007
probably its the caffeine but its 5:15am and Sesame Street is on my mind

I grew up on Milo and sesame street! wohooooooooooooooooo
So many times a little situation would occur and one of those little songs from sesame street would go through my head.
I think that there is no other kiddies show that is worth watching except Sesame Street.
I believe that I watched this religiously until I was about 16 years old.
Thinking about captain vegetable, cookie monster and sharing, Big bird and Snuffy with friendship, little bear teaches tolerance how to try something new, Oscar shows even a grouch can be nice, Elmo curious little red critter always welcoming friends, Bert and, well these two are two of my favorites, and I guess they can be taken as siblings since Vami annoys me just as much as Ernie does Bert!
Loved Maria and Luis, Gordon and Gina.
I even remembered an episode where sesame street attempted to teach racial acceptance where Gina and Savion ( I believe) was going out and someone wrote a mean note to them then Gina was trying to explain that some people just cannot see other other people happy and they want everything to be their way or something like that, but that was an awesome episode.
Also Sesame street also has those little songs where they try to include people from all different races, cultures and countries , I guess its the first sociology and acceptance lesson that kiddies are given, would help a lot in pluralistic pre school environment, maybe adults need to watch this too and learn to accept other cultures etc.
Another awesome episode was Maria and Luis's wedding.
Sesame Street addresses single parent families with the song "...mama's tree is over here back there is daddie's tree they live in different places but they both love me..."
I know its weird, but I simply love this series. I heard a tap leaking and right away remembered the episode in sesame street where you must not waste water,
he he have also developed a loathing for litterbugs...sesame street's message keep the trash or wrapper in your pocket or hand until you find a trash bin, to keep the street and oceans clean.
I can go on and on about this show, I would recommend it to adults as well, maybe people would be nicer if they watched it:D for the other kiddies show, Teletubbies freaks me out, Barney is weird but Smurfs rocks, especially Gargamel!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Also please repost to your blog.
Urge South Africa to 'Cull' Elephant Killing From Policy
South Africa’s newest elephant “management” policy includes killing as an option for controlling elephant populations.
These mass killing operations tear apart elephant families and leave the survivors permanently scarred. Between 1967 and 1995, 14,562 elephants in South Africa’s Kruger National Park were culled. Terrified elephants were herded into groups with helicopters while people on the ground and in the air opened fire with high-powered weapons. Elephants are capable of communicating over long distances, and their death screams were undoubtedly heard by other elephants miles away. Innumerable orphaned calves, who were regarded as valuable collateral, were sold to zoos and circuses, where many were beaten into submission, chained, and confined and had their precious freedom taken and their spirits broken. And scientists are now determining that these individuals were left with lifelong emotional trauma from witnessing the violent executions of their families.
Although elephants are considered by many to be the quintessential symbol of the African continent and ecotourism plays an important role in the South African economy, many of the country’s officials treat elephants as nuisances to be “controlled,” marketed, and profited from. These magnificent animals are viewed by some as commodities to be killed, hacked into pieces, skinned, canned, carved, and sold bit by bit.
Numerous scientists have condemned South Africa’s proposal to kill elephants. There is no evidence that elephants pose an imminent risk to biodiversity. Reducing the elephant population is arbitrary and scientifically unsound, and it reflects outdated wildlife-management principles. Please urge South Africa to remove culling from the list of options for elephant “management” and implement the humane, sensible suggestions advocated by scientists and reported by Care for the Wild International, including the following:
• Reduce the number of artificially created watering holes—this would divert elephants to previously underutilized areas.
• Expand protected elephant habitats by linking them to adjacent areas, and develop migration corridors to other regions.
• Develop community-based wildlife-conservation programs outside the existing protected areas to increase the benefits of tourism to nearby rural areas.
• Protect vulnerable and valuable areas by erecting and maintaining fences and implementing other nonlethal deterrents.
• Administer contraception, which is affordable and involves minimal intervention that can reduce the number of elephants in a large population.
Please send polite comments to:
Her Excellency Barbara Joyce Masekela
Ambassador of South Africa
Embassy of South Africa
3051 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
202-265-1607 (fax)
Even though elephant culling has generated a worldwide outcry, the zoo community has remained strangely silent. If zoos truly foster respect for wildlife, as they purport to do, they should be leading the charge to prevent this tragedy. Please contact your local zoo officials and ask them to do the following:
• Speak out publicly against any elephant “management” proposal that includes culling as an option.• Pledge not to obtain elephant calves orphaned in culls, thus removing African countries’ financial incentive to slaughter adult elephants.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
New years resolution #2 completed

This didn't hurt as much as I had anticipated although I did have to ask the guy to stop and let me breathe and relax first, after I saw how big the needle was. Almost suffered a mild heart attack thinking about the needle and I wimped out since I took this one with my eyes closed.
A lot of bleeding and even a big tear but the pain only lasted for all of 30s. Thank God the needle was sharp.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
While chillin in the library I randomly grabbed a book from the shelf and found a section on love potions ( this was not my original intent since the book was about hair and hair stories and how people are self conscious about it), anyways I found a guaranteed to work love potion, however this will only work if the object of your desire has a mole with hair growing out of it.
This is what you gotta do:
pluck the hair from the mole and mix it with the mud from a cemetery and put this in a pouch and wear it around your neck. It is said that your obsession will fall madly in love with you after a few weeks if you diligently wear this if not creepy somewhat weird pendant.
I forgot the name of the book but I will give credit as soon as I can find it again.
Now I was thinking a lot about this( not that I wanted to try it) but actually about the basic of why would this even work and what could possibly be so special about a mole with hair growing from it.
Anyways this led me to come up with my own idea of a spell (actually a quick way to make some fast cash if I can market this:D) or at least a good idea for a practical joke.
as you all know there is a huge market for weight loss stuff , and I thought why not market a voodoo doll to help with weight control. I first suggested this idea to Vami who first asked me if I was okay and then concluded that I was possessed. However if this doesn't work as a weight loss device then at least it can be awesome for a practical joke. This is my initial marketing advertisement. I also thought this would be useful for a practical joke if you kept a big and small doll on you before visiting a friend that you hand not seen for a long time and well depending on their state you use the appropriate doll to show them that you had cast a spell on them. However I will not be held responsible for any injuries you may sustain from your friend or any other party that you may use this on.
p.s. The purpose of this email was actually intended to poke fun at myself for running after so many *quick fixes* on the market in order to try to get rid of a 20lb weight gain when all I should've done was actually literally run:P. Yesterday Vami told me that a girl described me as being chunky, I found this hilarious since I would've described myself as more porky:P.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Is God Wise?
There was a boy and his father sitting under a mango tree and the boy commented to his father,
'God must be stupid, why did he put a little thing like a mango on such a huge tree and such a big pumpkin on a little vine on the ground'
At that exact moment a mango fell from the high branches of the tree on top of the boy's face and broke his nose.
His father answered, 'well that is why, imagine if God had put that pumpkin high on the branches, then you probably wouldn't have a face'
Smile bloggers!
Correction: My dad pointed out that the boy had just returned from studying and thinking that he knew more than his simple farmer father therefore posed the above question.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
weird taste turned yummy

Vanilla ice cream- and grapefruit juice, its quite good actually:D
How does one discover this, sipping grapefruit juice while thinking about ice cream but lazy to get another glass so easy solution: put ice cream in grapefruit juice, at first its a shock to the palate that expects vanilla ice cream but after a few minutes the taste buds are screaming for more of this unexpected sweet-tart.
Actually I first came upon a mixture like this when I was given chocolate ice cream with fresh pineapple, ( a passage from my autobiography, chapter of ultimately bizzare first dates:D), but anyways it was quite yummy as well.
But then again so it should be with life too, something from pour past that we didn't really clean up well enough appears unexpected in our sugary present and at first may seem tart but actually intensifies the experience and makes it more enjoyable if you decide to accept it. Anyways enough of me babbling.
Capital Punishment-restless thoughts
You are hereby sentenced to death by ___________.
Their heart is beating, we have put in the power of men to legally stop this heartbeat.
See there is a grave problem with capital punishment- it cannot be reversed!
I am having a problem comprehending this, because death is simply death, when someone dies, they are no more.
To deem what is justice and what is correct evidence based on society and state?
How do you really find a judge, who can see all sides of the box?
How do you really find a jury?
Right and wrong relative to society, place and time.
what is right is generally accepted,
How do I then know?
I guess from my experience, it is to try and block out all the effects of society and to place myself in the shoes of that person and think based on my heart, my soul is this right?
Only then will I know
Wouldn't a life sentence with no chance of parole, be sufficient to give any 'criminal' a chance to reflect on their deeds and to live in the isolation and torment of their memories.
No what is justice? A life for a life? Well there are still wars, soldiers are still trained to kill, so why not have capital punishment.
Now I am wondering, is diplomacy a farce?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Frosting a cake- Not literally

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Toasting bread--literally
Anyways, end result I burned the bread, but ate it anyway.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Actually the movie itself is quite good. I believe that the problem arises in that Mel Gibson directed it and people have their own issues with the director.
Anyways if you plan on seeing this movie, it is well made , look for these elements when watching the movie and then maybe you can appreciate the genius of it, and ignoring your own reservations towards Mel Gibson.
1. Pay very close attention to the opening line in the movie.
2. Look for brilliant foreshadowing.
3. The themes of fear, brotherhood, love, awakening, cleansing, self realization, are all expertly displayed in this movie, realize them when you see it.
4. The setting of this movie has been the Ace used by critics who dislike Gibson to spit on this movie.
Then again, do look at the setting and pretend that you are not an archeologist for a moment, and realize that it is phenomenal!
5. And look very closely at the ending dialogue in the movie.
6. If you want a historically accurate depiction of these civilizations, then watch the discovery channel, if you want to watch a movie that can draw out your deepest passions and will take you into a completely different world for 2 ½ hours then watch this.
Now what make the protagonist fight so much for survival? When the others seem to accept their fate. The answer is right there:)
Many have commented that there is too much violence in this movie, but while watching this movie do you not realize the inner fighter within yourself? Do you not want the protagonist to be violent? To fight? Is this violence necessary for this movie? YES! It is used to illustrate several central themes!
Are the Mayans depicted as uncivilized? Of course not! Only one who has the audacity to define civilization would point out this as a flaw in the movie.
There are very clever and very strong warriors in the movie, why were these warriors defeated? This is the central point of the movie.
Did the Spaniards bring relief to these people? Actually No this is not the point made, once again pay closely to the dialogue in the end.
Lastly do you not realize the similarities between the warriors and people way back then and now?
Do we still not blindly sacrifice others to appease our own beliefs and superstitions? Like the Spaniards do we not seek to destroy ancient civilizations simply because we do not understand them? The only people who can even begin to think that these people were uncivilized are the ones who are illusioned to think of themselves as civilized.
Ignore all critics on this movie and give it a chance.